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High efficiency breeding technology of improved varieties of Xanthoceras sorbifolia in sandy area

High efficiency breeding technology of improved varieties of Xanthoceras sorbifolia in sandy area

  • 图  1   

    表  1   

    Province County Township Climate zones Longitude Latitude Elevation/m
    Liaoning Province Zhanwu County Heituozi Village Temperate sub-humid zone 122°34'12″E 42°22'48"N 220-240
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    表  2  Topographical conditions

    Elevation Topography Slope gradients Slope direction Slope position
    ■ < 100 m ■ Flat lands ■ Flat (0-5%) ■ Sunny ■ Up
    ■ 101-500 m ■ Hillside ■ Gentle (6-15%) □ Shady ■ Middle
    ■ 501-1, 000 m ■ Hilly slopes ■ Slope (16-25%) ■ Half-sunny ■ Down
    ■ 1, 001-1, 500 m ■ Slopes □ Steep (26-35%) ■ Half-shady
    ■ 1, 501-2, 000 m □ Valley floor
    □ 2, 001-2, 500 m □ Sand dunes
    □ 2501-3, 000 m ■ Flat sandy land
    ■ Cultivated land that slopes gently
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    表  3  Soil condition

    Soil types Soil texture Effective soil layer thickness Organic matter content of surface soils Soil hardness Soil gravel content
    ■ Aeolian sandy soil ■ Sandy soil □ 0-20 cm ■ High (> 3%) □High ■ Light gravelly soil(1-5%)
    □ Calcium chestnut soil ■ Sandy loamy soil ■ 20-50 cm ■ Medium (1-3%) ■ Medium ■ Medium gravelly soil (5-10%)
    □ Brown calcium soil ■ Loamy soil ■ 50-100 cm ■ Low (< 1%) ■ Low ■ Gravelly soil (10-30%)
    ■ Cinnamon soil □ Clay ■ 100-200 cm ■ Light gravel (30-50%)
    ■ Saline-alkali soil ■ > 200 cm ■ Medium gravel (50-70%)
    □ Others: □ Heavy gravel soil (> 70%)
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    表  4  Vegetation status

    Vegetation types Community coverage Vegetation degradation status
    ■ Planted forest: (Pinus sylvestris plantation) ■ < 5% ■ Light
    ■ Sandy vegetation: (what kind of community) ■ 5-15% ■ Moderate
    ■ Bush: (what kind of community) □ 15-25% ■ Severe
    □ Grassland: (what kind of community) □ 25-40% ■ Artificial forest with dead treetops
    □ Meadow: (what kind of community) □ > 40% □ Artificial forest with dead trees
    □ Others:
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    表  5  Groundwater status

    Average buried depth
    □ < 1 m
    ■ 1-3 m
    ■ 3-5 m
    ■ 5-10 m
    ■ > 10 m
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    表  6   

    Technological flow The main points of the technology Time (season or month)
    1.Rootstock culture Select mature seeds from the superior trees of Xanthoceras sorbifolium Bunge, select large, full-grained, disease-free seeds for rootstock cultivation; choose leeward and shady places with high terrain and well drained condition to sand-store the seeds; accelerate germination in greenhouse and sow. September of the 1st year November of the 1st year March of the 2nd year
    2.Selection of scions Well-developed branches of current year were selected for scions from selected healthy, disease-free superior mother trees. June of the 2nd year
    3.Inlay bud grafting Grafting is carried out when the rootstock ground diameter is greater than 0.5 cm. June of the 2nd year
    4.Rootstock cutting When the graft is viable, cut the rootstock and promote the growth of the scion. July of the 2nd year
    5.Promotes lignification Fertilize with potash and water as little as possible to promote lignification. August of the 2nd year
    6.Keep temperature in the morning and evening Ensure overwintering and further promote lignification. September of the 2nd year
    7. Out of the nursery Autumn afforestation. October of the 2nd year
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    表  7   

    Labour costs 30, 000 RMB/ha
    Cost of materials 7, 500 RMB/ha
    Water cost (if irrigation was required) 7, 500 RMB/ha
    Total cost 45, 000 RMB/ha
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