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Aerial seeding

Aerial seeding

  • 表    Give a few answers, and choose up to five

     Improve vegetation biomass
    √ Reduce, prevent, and restore degraded land
    √ Improve or protect the soil
    √ Protect or restore ecosystems
    √ To maintain / enhance biodiversity
    √ Reduce the risk of disasters (e. g. drought, droughts, floods, sandstorms, etc.)
     Adaptation to climate change and its effects (e. g., enhanced resilience to drought and warming)
     Mitigating climate change and its impacts (e. g. increased carbon sink capacity)
     Generating economic benefits (e. g. increased income)
     Generating social benefits (e. g. reducing the consumption of natural resources and reducing poverty)
     Other uses (detailed description): …………………………………………………………………
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    Main type of degradation Sub-type of degradation
    √ [W] Soil erosion by water [Wt] Loss of topsoil/surface erosion
    [Wg] Gully erosion/gullying
     [E] Soil erosion by wind
     [C] Chemical soil deterioration
    √ [P] Physical soil deterioration [Pk] Slaking and crusting
    √ [B] Biological degradation [Bc] Reduction of vegetation cover
    [Bq] Quantity/biomass decline
     [H] Water degradation
     Else
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    Climatic province Temperate continental climate
    Specific annual precipitation /mm 53.4
    Average annual precipitation /mm Average air temperature /℃
     < 50  < -20
    √ 50- 200 √ -20- 5
    √ 200- 400 √ 5- 15
    √ 400- 800 √ 15- 25
     800- 1,500  25- 35
     > 1,500  35- 45
     > 45
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    表    Country, county/flag, township, and give the longitude and latitude of the application location of the project

    Country County/flag Township Longitude° Latitude° Elevation / m
    China Alaer County 81.2770789 40.5421865 1212.0
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    表    Terrain and landform conditions

    Elevation Landform Mean inclination Aspect Slope
     < 100 m √ Flatland √ Flat slope (0-5%)  Sunny slope  Upper slope
     100-500 m  Slope  Gentle slope (6-15%)  Shady slope  Mid slope
     500-1,000 m  Hilly slope  Moderate slope (16-25%)  Semi-sunny slope  Lower slope
    √ 1,000-1,500 m  Sloping ground  Steep slope (26-35%)  Semi-shady slope
     1,500-2,000 m  Valley floor
     2,000-2,500 m  Sand dune
     2500-3,000 m  Sandy flat
     > 3000 m  Gentle cultivated land
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    表    Edaphic condition

    Soil type Soil texture Effective soil depth Topsoil organic matter content Soil hardness Stone content
     Aeolian soil √ Sandy  0-20 cm  High (> 3%)  High √ Low gravel content soil (1-5%)
     Chestnut Calcic soil √ Loamy sand  20-50 cm √ Medium (1-3%) √ Medium  Moderate gravel content soil (5-10%)
    √ Brown Calcic soil  Loam √ 50-100 cm  Low (< 1%)  Low  High gravel content soil (10-30%)
     Luvisol  Clay  100-200 cm  Light gravel soil (30-50%)
    √ Saline-alkali soil  > 200 cm  Moderate gravel soil (50-70%)
     Else Heavy gravel soil (> 70%)
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    表    Vegetation condition

    Vegetation type Community cover Degradation status
    √ Artificial forest: (Populus diversifolia)  < 5%  Slight degradation
     Sand vegetation: () √ 5-15%  Moderate degradation
     Shrub land: ()  15-25% √ Severe degradation
     Grassland: ()  25-40%  Dry shoots phenomenon in artificial forest
     Meadow: ()  > 40%  Mortality phenomenon in artificial forest
     Others: ()
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    表    Groundwater condition

    Average buried depth
     < 1 m  3-5 m  > 10 m
    √ 1-3 m  5-10 m
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    表    Please select and fill in the relevant technical information according to the following technical classifications for specific technologies.

    Technical link Key technical points Implementation
    season / month
    1. Selection of Suitable Species It is essential to select native, drought-resistant plant species that can thrive in harsh conditions. These species often include various types of grasses, shrubs, and trees that are adapted to semi-arid environments.
    2. Seed Preparation Seeds are often coated or pelleted to enhance their survival rates after being dispersed. This coating can provide nutrients, protect the seed from predators, and sometimes include substances that help retain moisture around the seed.
    3. Mapping and Planning Detailed aerial or satellite maps are used to identify the areas most in need of restoration and to plan the seeding flights. This step is crucial for ensuring that the seeds are distributed efficiently and effectively.
    4. Aerial Seeding Operations Aircraft or drones are loaded with seeds and flown over the targeted areas. The seeds are released at specific intervals to ensure even coverage. This can be done manually or with the help of GPS and automated systems.
    5. Monitoring and Management After the seeds are dispersed, the area is monitored to assess germination rates and the overall success of the vegetation restoration effort. Additional management practices, such as supplemental ground seeding or the establishment of protected areas, may be necessary to support the growth of new vegetation.
    Schedule or attachment (with relevant technical parameters, add schedule or attachment information here)
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    Labour cost 1500 USD / ha
    Cost of material 200 USD / ha
    Water cost (if irrigation is required) 50 USD / ha
    Total cost 1750 USD / ha
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