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High yield cultivation technology of Xanthoceras sorbifolia in sandy area

High yield cultivation technology of Xanthoceras sorbifolia in sandy area

  • 图  1  Multipoint test and selection of superior varieties from different geographical locations

    图  2  Main varieties of Xanthoceras sorbifolia and their corresponding pollination varieties

    图  3  Simplified cultivation mode of Xanthoceras sorbifolia: "high yield superior variety + superior rootstock + pollinated variety" in sandy land (Location: Heituozi Village, Zhangwu County, Fuxin City, Liaoning Province, 42.38 N, 122.57 E)

    表  1  Topographical conditions

    Elevation Topography Slope gradients Slope direction Slope position
    ■ < 100 m ■ Flat lands ■ Flat (0-5%) ■ Sunny ■ Up
    ■ 101-500 m ■ Hillside ■ Gentle (6-15%) □ Shady ■ Middle
    ■ 501-1, 000 m ■ Hilly slopes ■ Slope (16-25%) ■ Half-sunny ■ Down
    ■ 1, 001-1, 500 m ■ Slopes □ Steep (26-35%) ■ Half-shady
    ■ 1, 501-2, 000 m □ Valley floor
    □ 2, 001-2, 500 m □ Sand dunes
    □ 2501-3, 000 m ■ Flat sandy land
    ■ Cultivated land that slopes gently
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    表  2  Soil condition

    Soil types Soil texture Effective soil layer thickness Organic matter content of surface soils Soil hardness Soil gravel content
    ■ Aeolian sandy soil ■ Sandy soil □ 0-20 cm ■ High (> 3%) □ High ■ Light gravelly soil (1-5%)
    □ Calcium chestnut soil ■ Sandy loamy soil ■ 20-50 cm ■ Medium (1-3%) ■ Medium ■ Medium gravelly soil (5-10%)
    □ Brown calcium soil ■ Loamy soil ■ 50-100 cm ■ Low (< 1%) ■ Low ■ Gravelly soil (10-30%)
    ■ Cinnamon soil □ Clay ■ 100-200 cm ■ Light gravel (30-50%)
    ■ Saline-alkali soil ■ > 200 cm ■ Medium gravel (50-70%)
    □ Others: □ Heavy gravel soil (> 70%)
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    表  3  Vegetation status

    Vegetation types Community coverage Vegetation degradation status
    ■ Planted forest: (what kind of planted forests) ■ < 5% ■ Light
    ■ Sandy vegetation: (what kind of community) ■ 5-15% ■ Moderate
    ■ Bush: (what kind of community) □ 15-25% ■ Severe
    □Grassland: (what kind of community) □ 25-40% ■ Artificial forest with dead tree tops
    □Meadow: (what kind of community) □ > 40% □ Artificial forest with dead trees
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    表  4  Groundwater status

    Average buried depth
    □ < 1 m
    ■ 1-3 m
    ■ 3-5 m
    ■ 5-10 m
    ■ > 10 m
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    表  5   

    Technical steps Technical points Time of year (season or month)
    1.Land preparation Complete or partial preparation of the land according to the site conditions. Last autumn of afforestation
    2.Identification of improved varieties, rootstocks and pollinating varieties Identify locally improved varieties, rootstocks and pollinator varieties for sandy areas according to the site conditions. Early March
    3.Density, configuration, planting pit specifications Matching compatibility varieties, 2-3 rows per stripe, with a spacing of 2m between rows; 2m between plants and about 4m between stripes. Early April
    4.Seedling requirements Excellent seedlings of improved varieties and pollinated varieties. Early April
    5.Planting Cavity planting was adopted. The seedlings need to be hold upright straight when planting and the roots be stretched. 1-2cm of the rootstock of the seedling should be exposed above ground, not too deep. Stepped down, watered, and mulched, and a tray with 15cm deep below the ground and 80cm in diameter was formed. Water thoroughly. Early April
    6.Nurturring management Intertillage wedding combined with topdressing in growth season. Water once per week in the first two weeks after planting, except it is cloudy or rainy. After 40 days of planting, water according to growth conditions and soil conditions. Three years after planting, water once at each following phase of early stage of the budding, flowering, fruit expansion period, and after harvest, during March to mid-June. Apply compound fertilizer, and water once before soil freezing. Prune once a year before budding, mainly to thin out dense branches, overlapping branches, cross branches, weak branches, and diseased branches; adopt the "pruning method of rotating fruit set", including inter-row pruning and alternate pruning of fruiting branches, which saves work and can avoid the phenomenon of "alternate year bearing". In flowering period, "flower and fruit preservative" can be sprayed to improve fruit set and yield. One year
    7.Harvesting and storage Harvest the fruit when the skin has been split, the seed coat has turned black and is fully ripe, and choose a well-ventilated and dry place to dry the fruits. When the fruit is semi-dry or dry and cracked, peel off the skin or hit it with a wooden stick to make the seeds come out. The seeds should be placed indoors or in a greenhouse to dry flat in the shade, avoiding exposure to the sun. October
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    表  6   

    Labour costs 15000 RMB/ha
    Cost of materials 22500 RMB/ha
    Water cost (if irrigation was required) 7500 RMB/ha
    Total cost 45000 RMB/ha
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