Wind erosion control and vegetation restoration technology of desertified grassland
图 1 Comparisons before and after treatment under different topographic conditions (steep slope, gentle slope and wind erosion pit) in Ulagai management area, Inner Mongolia. Pictures before treatment in 2015 (a, b, c), Pictures after treatments in 2016 (d, e, f), 2018 (g, h, i) and 2019 (j, k, l). Photographer, Bai Yongfei.
表 1
Climate zones Temperate semi-arid zone, temperate sub-humid zone Average annual precipitation/mm 320mm Average annual evaporation/mm 1543mm Average annual temperature/℃ 0℃ Maximum temperature/℃ 19.9℃ Minimum temperature/℃ -22.3℃ Average annual wind speed/ m/s 2.9m/s Note: Precipitation, evaporation, air temperature and wind speed in the table are average values over the 1980-2010 period. The climatic data were obtained from local national weather stations. 表 2
Province County Township Climate zones Longitude Latitude Elevation/m Inner MongoliaAutonomous Region Ulagai management area of Xilin Gol League Hersgoura Ranch Mid temperate semi-arid climate region 118°44′~119°50′E 45°29′~46°38′N 855~1335 表 3 Topographical conditions
Elevation Topography Slope gradient Slope direction Slope position □ < 100 m ■ Flat lands ■ Flat (0-5%) ■ Sunny ■ Up □ 101-500 m ■ Hillside ■ Gentle (6-15%) ■ Shady ■ Middle □ 501-1, 000 m ■ Hilly slopes ■ Slope (16-25%) ■ Half-sunny ■ Down ■ 1, 001-1, 500 m ■ Slopes ■ Steep (26-35%) ■ Half-shady □ 1, 501-2, 000 m □ Valley floor □ 2, 001-2, 500 m ■ Sand dunes □ 2501-3, 000 m ■ Flat sandy land □ Cultivated land that slopes gently 表 4 Soil condition
Soil types Soil texture Effective soil layer thickness Organic matter content of surface soils Soil hardness Soil gravel content ■ Aeolian sandy soil ■ Sandy soil ■ 0-20 cm □ High(> 3%) □ High ■ Light gravelly soil (1-5%) ■ Calcium chestnut soil ■ Sandy loamy soil □ 20-50 cm ■ Medium(1-3%) ■ Medium □ Medium gravelly soil (5-10%) □ Brown calcium soil □ Loamy soil □ 50-100 cm □ Low(< 1%) □ Low □ Gravelly soil (10-30%) □ Cinnamon soil □ Clay □ 100-200 cm □ Light gravel (30-50%) □ Saline-alkali soil □ > 200 cm □ Medium gravel (50-70%) □ Other: □ Heavy gravel soil (> 70%) 表 5 Vegetation status
Vegetation types Community coverage Vegetation degradation status □ Planted forest: (what kind of community) ■ < 5% ■ Light □ Sandy vegetation: (what kind of community) ■ 5-15% ■ Moderate □ Bush: (what kind of community) □ 15-25% ■ Severe ■ Grassland: (Temperate meadow grassland and temperate grassland) □ 25-40% □ Artificial forest with dead treetops □Meadow: (what kind of community) □ > 40% □ Artificial forest with dead trees □Others: 表 6 Groundwater status
Average buried depth □ < 1 m □ 1-3 m □ 3-5 m □ 5-10 m ■ > 10 m 表 7 For specific technologies, please fill in the relevant information by selecting the technology category below.
Technological flow The main points of the technology Season/month of implementation 1. Sand barriers Setting Materials for sand barriers: the branches used to make curtains should have been cellared for one year. The porosity of the sand barrier should be 25% to 50%, less if the wind is strong and the sand source was smaller, and more if the sand source was more sufficient.
Types of sand barriers: belt and checkerboard. Belt barrier was used in areas with a single wind direction, and checkerboard barrier was used in areas with unstable wind direction and strong lateral winds in addition to the main wind.
Laying specifications: sand barriers 30-40 cm high, with the same height underground as above ground. A checkerboard size of 2 m × 2 m is generally chosen but can be adjusted according to actual conditions.
Sand barrier orientation: the orientation of the sand barrier should be perpendicular to the direction of the prevailing wind, usually on the windward slope of the dune.
Other requirements: noneMid-late May to early mid-June. 2. Seeding Plant species: choose wild forage grasses adapted to local natural conditions or domesticated and cultivated species that are resistant to harsh, drought, wind and sand. Seeds are sown in mixed, annuals and perennials, legumes and grasses. Forage species available for replanting are: Lymus chinensis, Festuca ovina, Hedysarum laeve, Poa rubium, Ryegrass, Caragana microphylla, Lespedeza dawuli, Eldrine druckata, Agropyron cristatum, Agropyron mongolicum, Elytrigia sinica, Avena sativa, Leymus albus, Melilotus melissitus, Artemisia sphaeroceana, Green millet, annual ryegrass, etc.
Seed requirements: it is advisable to choose high quality seeds, judging the quality of plant seeds from the clarity, germination rate, seed price, number of other plant seeds and moisture, which should comply with GB 6141 and GB 6142.
Sowing methods: strip sowing, hole sowing or sowing.
Strip sowing: sowing in furrows in a certain direction and distance and then mulching, suitable for areas where the terrain is relatively flat and no-tillers can work. Hole sowing: digging holes and sowing seeds according to the designed sowing points, then mulching. It is not generally used, but when the design requires seedlings to be planted. Suitable for shrub species or in areas with steep terrain. Scattering: The seeds are evenly scattered on the sandy surface and the seeds are evenly mulched with a rake; generally used on steep and wind eroded pit areas where mechanical work cannot be completed by no-tillers. Suitable for areas where the sandy area is small and not easily accessible by machinery.
Seeding rate: in wind erosion pits and heavily sanded areas, the seeding rate is controlled at 4 kg/Mu; in moderately sanded areas, the seeding volume is controlled at 3 kg/Mu.
Sowing depth: according to the size of the seeds, small seeds should be covered with 1 cm to 2 cm, large seeds with 3 cm to 5 cm and mixed grass seeds with 2 cm.
Fertilizer requirements: none Watering: none
Other requirementsMid-late May to early mid-June. 3. Nurturing management Enclosure: yes
Fertilizer: no
Irrigation: no
Other requirements: noneYear-round (January-December) 5. Others 表 8
Labour costs 1500 RMB/ha Machinery costs 500 RMB/ha Cost of materials 2300 RMB/ha Water cost (if irrigation was required) □ Total cost 4300 RMB/ha