Integrative control technology of wind erosion of agricultural soil in transitional region from plateau to plain
图 1 Bare agricultural land (a, Couniangou Village, Xiaobazi Township, April 2017), Stubble tillage technology (b, Caoniangou Village, Xiaobazi Township, October 2017), Mulch tillage technology (c, Caoniangou Village, Xiaobazi Township, October 2017), and Stubble and mulch technology demonstration area (d, Fuerying Village, Xiaobazi Township, October 2018)
表 1
Climate zones Temperate semi-arid zone Average annual precipitation/mm 200-600mm Average annual evaporation/mm 1500-2000mm Average annual temperature/℃ 4-7℃ Maximum temperature/℃ 35℃ Minimum temperature/℃ -20℃ Average annual wind speed/ m/s 2-4 m/s Note: Precipitation, evaporation, air temperature and wind speed in the table are average values over the 1980-2010 period. The climatic data were obtained from local national weather stations. 表 2
Province County Township Climate zones Longitude Latitude Elevation/m Hebei Province Fengning County Xiaobazi Township Continental monsoon semi-arid climate 116°12′-116°30′E 41°22′-41°35′N 651 表 3 Topographical conditions
Elevation Topography Slope gradient Slope direction Slope position ■ < 100 m ■ Flat lands ■ Flat (0-5%) ■ Sunny □ Up ■ 101-500 m □ Hillside ■ Gentle (6-15%) ■ Shady □ Middle ■ 501-1, 000 m □ Hilly slopes □ Slope (16-25%) ■ Half-sunny ■ Down ■ 1, 001-1, 500 m □ Slopes □ Steep (26-35%) ■ Half-shady ■ 1, 501-2, 000 m □ Valley floor □ 2, 001-2, 500 m □ Sand dunes □ 2501-3, 000 m □ Flat sandy land ■ Cultivated land that slopes gently 表 4 Soil condition
Soil types Soil texture Effective soil layer thickness Organic matter content of surface soils Soil hardness Soil gravel content ■ Aeolian sandy soil ■ Sandy soil □ 0-20 cm ■ High(> 3%) ■ High ■ Light gravelly soil (1-5%) ■ Calcium chestnut soil ■ Sandy loamy soil ■ 20-50 cm ■ Medium(1-3%) ■ Medium ■ Medium gravelly soil (5-10%) ■ Brown calcium soil ■ Loamy soil ■ 50-100 cm ■ Low(< 1%) ■ Low ■ Gravelly soil (10-30%) ■ Cinnamon soil □ Clay ■ 100-200 cm □ Light gravel (30-50%) □ Saline-alkali soil ■ > 200 cm □ Medium gravel (50-70%) □ Other: □ Heavy gravel soil (> 70%) 表 5 Vegetation status
Vegetation types Community coverage Vegetation degradation status ■ Planted forest: (shelterbelts) ■ < 5% □ Light □ Sandy vegetation: (what kind of community) □ 5-15% □ Moderate □ Bush: (what kind of community) □ 15-25% ■ Severe □ Grassland: (what kind of community) □ 25-40% □ Artificial forest with dead treetops □ Meadow: (what kind of community) □ > 40% □ Artificial forest with dead trees ■ Others: plough 表 6 Groundwater status
Average buried depth □ < 1 m □ 1-3 m □ 3-5 m ■ 5-10 m ■ > 10 m 表 7 For specific technologies, please fill in the relevant information by selecting the technology category below.
Technical flow The main points of the technology Season/month of implementation 1. Design for farmland shelter forest The main forest belt forms the backbone of the shelter forest system, and there is no auxiliary forest belt; single or multiple main forest belts are set up according to the length of the field. When the length of the field in the direction of the main wind is within 200 m, a single main forest belt can be set up in the upwind direction of the field. When the length of the field is in the range of 200-400 m, an additional main forest belt can be set up in the middle of the field to form a protective forest network. When the length of the field is in the range of 400-600 m, two additional main forest belts can be set up to divide the field into three parts equally to form a protective forest network, and so on. The first main stand along the main wind direction is a 2-row, 1-belt mixed tree and shrub stand with a width of 9 m, followed by a 2-row, 1-belt shrub stand with a width of 7 m. 2. Land preparation for farmland shelter forest The land is fully turned over in strips to a depth of 30-35 cm. March 3. Requirements of seedlings for farmland shelter belts The trees are 3-5 years old live elm seedlings, and the shrubs are 1–2-year-old Caragana korshins container seedlings. 4. Farmland shelter forest planting 2 rows and 1 belt mixed stand belt of arbors and shrubs: row spacing 5 m, tree rows located in the windward side with the initial plant distance was 3 m, planting pit diameter 1 m, and shrub row located in the leeward side with plant spacing 2.5 m, planting pit diameter 0.8 m.
2 rows and 1 belt shrub forest belt: row spacing 2.5×4 m, planting pit diameter 0.8 m.
Marks shall be made on the afforestation land after land preparation according to the design.April 5. Farmland protection forest management and conservation Weeding, cultivating, thinning and pruning the trees between rows to maintain a suitable permeability in the stand. 6. Crop harvesting operations For maize, wheat, sunflower and other straw-crops farmland, stubble, straw mulch or a combination of the two were used as conservation tillage measures. Mechanical harvesting was used for large area plots and manual harvesting was used for small area plots. The stubbles were 10-20 cm high in stubble plots. Crops were uniformly harvested to the ground in the non-stubble plots. September-October 7. Straw mulching No plough after crop harvesting (i.e. a windy season) to prevent soil and water loss from wind erosion. Straw mulching measures were taken in the more severely wind eroded fields, about 450 kg/Mu. October 8. Straw cleaning Fields with straw cover must be cleaned and collected, ploughed for normal agricultural activities. April-May 9. Others None Schedules or annexes (if there are relevant technical parameters indicators, you can add the schedule or annex information here) 表 8
Labour costs 3000 RMB/ha Cost of materials 1500 RMB/ha Water cost (if irrigation was required) 1500 RMB/ha Total cost 6000 RMB/ha