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Mild degraded grassland restoration techniques

Mild degraded grassland restoration techniques

  • 图  1  Technical implementation reference group photos

    图  2   

    (Photo taken on August 17, 2022, Jiang Hongjun, HuangCity, Kangbao Ranch, Kangbao County)

    图  3  Photos were taken 2 years after technical implementation

    图  4   

    (Photo taken on August 17, 2022, Jiang Hongjun, HuangCity, Kangbao Ranch, Kangbao County)

    表  1  Give a few answers, and choose up to five

    √Improve the biological power of the vegetation
    √Reduce, prevent, and restore degraded land
     Improve or protect the soil
    Protect or restore ecosystems
    √To maintain / enhance biodiversity
     Reduce the risk of disasters (e. g. drought, droughts, floods, sandstorms, etc.)
     Adaptation to climate change and its effects (e. g., enhanced resilience to drought and warming)
     Mitigating climate change and its impacts (e. g. increased carbon sink capacity)
    √Generduce economic benefits (e. g. increased income)
     Genering social benefits (e. g. reducing the consumption of natural resources and reducing poverty)
     Other uses (detailed description): …………………………………………………………………
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    表  2   

     Semi-fixed sand
     Flow sand
    √Adventitious sand grassland
     Salinized grass
     Activated wind erosion pit
     Degradation of woodland
     Sand cultivated land
    √Others: degraded grassland
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    表  3   

    climatic province: Middle-temperate continental monsoon climate
    average annual precipitation /mm 300~450 Annual annual evaporation rate / mm 1600-2000
    Annual temperature / ℃ 2.1~4.1 maximum air temperature /℃ 36.1~36.7
    minimum air temperature /℃ -39.9~-34.3 Average annual wind speed / m / s 3.2~3.6
    Note: Precipitation, evaporation, air temperature and wind speed in the table are calculated according to the mean value of national weather stations from 1980 to 2010.
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    表  4  County, township or climate area, and give the longitude and latitude of the application location of the project.

    To the province County (flag) The township climatic province longitude latitude height /m
    Hebei Province Kangbao County Kangbao ranch Middle-temperate continental monsoon climate 42.101 114.800 1333
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    表  5  Terrain and landform conditions

    height landform mean inclination aspect Slope
     < 100 m √ level the land √Flat slope (0-5%) √ adret √Upper slope
     101-500 m √ hillside √Slow slope (6-15%) √ Schattenseite √Middle slope
     501-1, 000 m √Adventitia hill slope √Slope (16-25%) √Admito half Yang slope √Down slope
    √ 1, 001-1, 500 m √ hillside fields √Sharp slope (26-35%) √Vacation half Yin slope
    √ 1, 501-2, 000 m √ valley bottom
     2, 001-2, 500 m  sand dune
     2501-3, 000 m √Admito flat sand
     Flat arable land
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    表  6  Edaphic condition

    agrotype soil texture Effective soil thickness Organic matter content of the topsoil soil hardness Soil gravel content
    √ aeolian sandy soil √ sandy soil √ 0-20 cm √High level (> 3%) √ tall √Less gravel soil (1-5%)
    √ chestnut soil √ sandy loam √ 20-50 cm √Medium size (1-3%) √ centre √Medium-gravel soil (5-10%)
    √ calcic brown soil √ doras √ 50-100 cm √Low (< 1%) √ low √Multi-gravel soil (10-30%)
    √ cinnamon soil √ clay √ 100-200 cm √Light gravel soil (30-50%)
     saline-alkali soil √ > 200 cm √Medium gravel soil (50-70%)
     else: √Heavy gravel soil (> 70%)
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    表  7  Vegetation condition

    vegetation form Community coverage Vegetation degradation
     plantation: (what kind of plantation)  < 5% √Mild degeneracy of the uterus
     Sand vegetation: (what community)  5-15%  Moderate degradation
     Tuft: (What community)  15-25%  Heavy degradation
    √Grassland: sheep grass, grass, needle grass, white lotus wormwood (what kind of community) √ 25-40%  Artificial forest has dry shoot phenomenon
    √Meadow: grass, veniling vegetables (what community) √ > 40%  The plantation has the death phenomenon
     else:
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    表  8  Groundwater condition

    The average buried depth
    √ < 1 m √ 3-5 m √ > 10 m
    √ 1-3 m √ 5-10 m
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    表  9  For specific technologies, please select and fill in the relevant technical information according to the following technical categories.

    sport technique segment technical essential Implementation of the season / month
    1. Field management Enclosure: with, high standard immersion guardrail / wire fence (with or without), do a comprehensive ban on grazing.

    Pest control: strengthen field management, timely prevention and pest control. For pest control, high efficiency, low toxicity, economic and safe cypermethrin, and D botox are generally used for rodent control. The use of secondary poisoning and serious environmental pollution is strictly prohibited.
    2. Other
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    表  10   

    labour cost 825 yuan / ha
    Mechanical cost 0Yuan / ha
    cost of material RMB 900 yuan / ha
    Water cost (if irrigation is required) 0Yuan / ha
    total cost RMB 1, 725 yuan / ha
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